Thursday, August 18, 2011
Can anyone proof read my essay please?!?
This is good but remember if you got this Information somewhere then you will want to write your source in context so your teacher doesn't think you stole it.
LGBT: Do you think ity is hereditary or sheer happenstance?
Umm... I do believe that if it was genetic they'd die out.... Also, studies show that more bi and ual people come out of dysfunctional or single parent homes. Also, just because you have gay or bi parents doesn't nessecarily mean it's hereditary. Kids pick up on stuff. If mom freaks out over spiders because of arachnaphobia, most likely the kid will too. Not because it's hereditary, but because that reaction is ingraved in the conciousness.
Question on Fish... Calling all Fish Experts!?
*facepalm* wow, you really dont understand. they cannot live in a bucket for the same reason they cannot go in the tank right away. just quit being impatient and wait for the tank to cycle. also, bala sharks get too big, so none of those. dont cycle with fish. seriously.
Is this a norm in France, and what should I do?
I am a traducteur, I live in France. I translate a bit of everything: catalogues, contracts, manuals. I read detective novels, and my wife left me six months ago. I worked hard, and decided that I needed a break, so I hired a little g�te near Cannes, and took a TGV there. I am not rich, but I splashed on the first cl ticket - my only luxury. The carriage was empty, so I was surprised when a beautiful woman chose a seat across me. She asked me to help her to open a zipper on her top. Then she said that she'd like some tea with milk, and I got it for her, and bought a meal for us to share (though she refused it). We talked about my nervous condition, and about my eating habits. She seemed to be really interested. She quickly spotted my name and address on my luggage (Fran�ois Taillandier, 18, rue Mouton Duvernet, Paris). She tried to guess my age (said I was 39, but I was 38). I told her about my life, and my holiday. The conductor came to check our tickets, and he noted, too, that she was not on her igned seat. I asked her why she choose a seat across me, and she said I was her type of a man. It all sounded so promising. But then she borrowed my pullover and used it as a pillow, and went to sleep. She slept and slept, and now we are almost arrived, and she is still sleeping! I thought she was interested in me! But if she was, why did she felt asleep? And if she was not, why on my pullover? I am so confused, and I don't know what to do or say. What should I do?
Desperate to get Astrological Guidance over my present situation...?
You have Rahu in 5th house along with the lord of ascendant(Taurus) Venus and lord of 7th (Scorpio) Mars. Lord of Ascendant Venus is embedded between malefic Mars and Rahu and lord of 10th (carrier) Saturn is embedded between Sun and Mercury (having effect of Rahu). Present dasa is of Mars. Next period will be of Rahu from Sep 2010. You are required to get pooja for Rahu with 18000 Rahu mantra, Sun with 7ooo Sun mantra and Mars by 10000 Mars mantra. You may set in life Sep tember 2019. Wish you all the best.
What's going on with him ?
Sounds like he does like you, because you asked him who he liked and he couldn't give an answer, if he was laughing, it shows that he was nervous that you asked that question, and not trying to give away anything that make suggest he likes you, he might be like this if he is a shy person, you could just casually ask him what type of girls he goes for, and what girls he doesn't go for, could flirt with him, and if he responds in a good way, can mean he does like you.
McCain supporters, what do you think of the landslide win by Obama? ?
In the popular vote. And you can practically say he'll be elected in January. With Bush and Gore, Gore only had a 500,000 lead in the popular vote and Bush won by 1 electoral vote. I do not think it will be this way for Obama.
Puma v1.08 or v1.10 for new cleat?
i would go for the v1.10 but a nicer colour than the yellow or red. ive never had either its just i think the latest model surely must be better than its previous? can't help with the major ugrades, you can google that. can you answer my question please? :D
How serious are the ual harrment allegations again Brett Farve?
I haven't really developed an opinion yet about those graphic text & pictures Brett supposedly sent to the NY Jets worker. I don't know if I would put it past any NFL star anymore to be somewhat insensitive to women. All the players think they can have any woman they want. But still you would like to believe there are some honest professional football players right? Or am I just kidding myself?
"Character" from a movie. Whos your favorite iest character or person? for guys and girls<3?
Example: I think Van Helsing, who is played by Hugh , is handsome. I also love Will turner, from pirates of the carribean, played by Orlando Bloom. And the elf Legolas from Lord of the rings, played by Orlando Bloom to. I think all of them and their characters are y. Whos yours?
Strange, random cat haunting my dreams?
I had a dream about finding my two cats that we lost a couple months ago (long story shot: My cat Mia came in the room but following her was this old brown and black striped cat ( he looked like this,ic:specific,isc:brown&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=812&vpy=150&dur=671&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=94&ty=100&ei=YHUBTe7kNo6isAPVtYTIAg&oei=RnUBTbOqOsf_nAeYkPXnDQ&esq=9&page=1&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0 ) anyway he walked in and he was very old and chubby. His whiskers drooped and he didnt look at me but he followed Mia as if on queue... Whats the deal with him? I dont even know him, hes just so random. And then my mind kpt screaming "He's going to die soon!"
Why do Barcelona fan fail so much in annoyinh Arsenal fans on here?
You guys want €50M for him... LMAO... then how much are Xavi and Iniesta worth..... €150M????? I don't need to do anything to annoy you kids, all I have to do is mention the FACT that Cesc wants to leave Arsenal for Barca and you go nuts.... hahahahahaa
Need help with biology homework?
A dominant allele is responsible for the wild type body color (gray) of drosophila; its recessive allele produces black body color(b). A testcross of a wild type female gave 52 black and 58 wild type in the F1(1-subscript). If the wild type females are crossed to their black F1 brothers (yuck!), what genotypic and phenotypic ratios would be expected in the F2?
Do Libyan armoured tanks fly?
I just saw video of a missile blowing up what looks like a tank. Does the no-fly zone allow us with the weapons to shoot up the countryside willie-nillie like a teenager shoots at anything that looks like a deer.
Who's better Reggie Bush or Adrian Peterson?
Matters on the situation. Peterson is more the pure runner, while Bush is a dual attack with good hands. The best would be have a strong runner like Peterson and then Bush to share carries as a change of pace and also to open up the short pes.
How is it "impractical" to propose a non-profit health care system when the government practically gives awa
Under the current tax system, all working americans, even those who make more than enough money to be financially secure, have the potential to recieve tax returns, the amount being based on factors ranging from family size to, in some cases, the amount of money an individual makes, as in the more you make the bigger your refund. It was previously suggested by John Kerry that the tax cuts could be eliminated for individuals who make enough money to be financially secure, and that the resulting deficit could be used to fund health care and other programs that are underfunded in the Bush administration. After hearing this from Kerry, and then voting for Bush, I think it is completely absurd for any close-minded conservative, or anyone else to suggest that non-profit health care systems such as the one being proposed by Dennis Kucinich are impossible to come by when billions are being more or less wasted (by going to individuals who do not need them) under the current tax system.
Dads birthday 2mororw....?
I'd make him a nice card, and breakfast in bed goes over BIG with dads. Happy Birthday to your Father!!!
Is AP Biology worth taking with my current schedule?
Wow your schedule sounds interesting out school doesn't even offer AP Biology but i took Biology and its really easy and its worth taking a cl. It looks good on your college application if you take AP courses. I'm taking 3 AP cles this year. I took 2 last year and i pes the exam on one of them. Its worth it. I think you can manage. You should go for it.
Importing a Minecraft world?
It should be possible, seeing as you can import other multiplayer worlds. I've just started to play, so I don't know how, but it should be possible.
BOA style snowboard boots?
I just picked up a pair of size 10.5 DC snowboard boots one year old (but in excellent condition) with the boa lacing system. they are gold and black and white in color. they were $40. is this a good grab or could i have done better?
How to transfer from one half of my hard disc to the other side?
I have a 6 year old Sony Pentium 2.8 computer. The hard disc is divided into 2 halves C&D. The C side is nearly full and I am unable to defrag entirely.A lot of the space is taken up by Microsoft security updates. I have been told not to touch these. I have placed a few of my software programmes on the D side. How do I transfer other folders such as Programme Files and Doents and settings from C to D. As simple as possible please as I am of the older generation and not too computer literate. Thanking you in anticipation Charlie
Why does our pup be hyper when we bring her in the house?
Roxy is kept outside as we work but when we try to bring her in she goes hyper. Shes a 14 week old German Shepherd, how do we get her to settle down as we don't want to keep her out all the time.
My friend had swine flu could I?
Last thursday I was with a friend who the next day found out he had Swine Flu, We Shared a Shisha ( hookah). Now I have a running nose and 37 degrees C, do you think I also have swine flu?
This is a really easy ten points.?
ok the easiest thing for me to do is just relax kinda like meditating....then write anything that comes into your head down on a sheet of doesn't have to be in order or anything just jot it all down and when your done pick your favorite thing and write about it.
How's my story, so far???
you have a great idea. its like an old story with a new age twist. i think it would be a great book, short story tv show or whatever. you have the basics so all you need is more detail.
What are the best thrift stores in DC?
I will be in the George Washington University area/Capitol Hill and I am looking for affordable yet up-to-trend thrift stores or second hand shops sells womens clothing. NOT VINTAGE SHOPS. Thanks!
Why does my toe hurt?
So yesterday i was skating trying to improve my fs 180 and my ollies. I was trying to get them higher. Anyways after like 2hours i went home and slept. Woke up to feel pain on my left big toe. Why is it hurting? And how do improve my pop?
Is Penta, Tetra, or Trichlorohydrex better?
I was looking at antiperspirant deodorant today and noticed that a lot of the brands use one of the three above. uming that the concentration is at 20% in all brands, which one is the strongest/best?
Ben10 Alien Force Fans:Is Gwen Tennyson is an Alien?
One of my friends said that Gwen teenyson{ben's cousin}is an alien.Is she an alien?Explain please!!!
If T-Rex changed at some point in time, from being a plant eater to being a meat eater (as the fundies claim..
...many animals did), why haven't any T-Rex skulls been found with the teeth of a herbivore? Why do we only find the carnivorous kind? Fundies, since you know all about this incredible dietary conversion, please help.
I want to buy a share of Hallmark stock?
I used to buy stock in Disney and Hershey as gifts, which came with really nice certificates and now I want to do the same with Hallmark, but this site does not appear to sell this company's stocks. Does anyone know where I could buy this type of share with an ornate certificate?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
On this day what do you think of this?
Those that gaze down their richly laden dining room tables don't know the meaning of the word hunger or even what thanksgiving means. They believe that what they see before them are their just rewards and little do they care about children going hungry or, heaven forbid, getting sick.
I need advice on choosing a bike?
I decided a few months ago that fifteen is way too old to not know how to ride a bike so i decided that i was going to learn how to ride a bike as a form of exercise and transportation. So my mum took me to a place where i could rent a bike for a few hours to learn the basics and i did pretty well, i almost have my balance taken care of, and my best friend taught me how to properly use the brake, but i'm afraid to put my feet on the pedals (i learned kinda backwards) and even though i know that i should grip the brakes gently i get really nervous and squeeze them too hard other than that my mum says that i'm just about ready to get a bike of my own to practice with. But the problem is i don't know how to shop for a bike. i've read that i have to judge what ind of bike i'm getting by my height, where i'm planning to use the bike, and how much i'm planning to spend. I umed that would make it easier to choose one but i still don't know what kind of bike there are or what kind of bikes would be best for someone in my situation. according to my mum our budget is low so we're just going to Take our chances on craigslist but there are a lot of options and i don't know what to narrow it down to. So What kind of bike should i get? I'm 5'2 and i just want to use it around the nieghborhood.
I am going to a festival, what do i need to take? Essentials and fun stuff..?
i am going to a festival soon, Leeds and maybe even Glastonbury next year, so i want a bit of help deciding what i need to take with me. many thanks :)
Should there be a game on ps3 just for sprinting in athletics instead of all the other events?
I believe there should be a new game for athletics where it involves only sprinters instead of all of the events of athletics. They could be able to choose an individual person e.g usain bolt and be able to do a career, training the individual going to competitions and being picked for the national team. This should also include relays as well so getting picked on individual perfomances at say trials for example. What do you think???
Leonardo DiCaprio was so hot when he was younger he still is but what do you think?
I love Leo! He is such an amazing actor! Especially in What's Eating Gilbert G and Blood Diamond also in The Departed. He's one of my favorite actors. He is also very gorgeous. I love his eyes :)
Naruto 549(questions and your thoughts)?
For sure they will fight, I doubt saskue will show up, naruto will probably have an epic battle vs itatchi lol and no because itatxhi is under the control of the justu so hell be forced to fight. Hope that helped. And cant wait :DD
Girl at work using the "N"word....?
he should just continue as he is, and not be as friendly with her, nothing can excuse what she was saying!!!
Do guys/girls think that having a better body is more attractive or having a prettier face?
Hmm... If you have a really pretty face then being a tiny bit bigger isn't a problem. However if you have amazing curves and hips/legs then you don't have to have the prettiest face in the world. So it can go a little to either side basically.
Eco Tourist Resort Project - Where the hell do wind farms go?
ok so my project is to design an eco tourist resort. I have to do a map and a written piece explaning my reasoning and watever for why I put things where I did. I need to know where the best place is to put a wind farm in the southern hemisphere. Also is this the most eco friendly way of gaining electricity? any help is appreciated..thanks in advance :)
How am I going to pay for college?
you don't pay student loans until 6+ months after you graduate. Also, student loans are all going to be handled by the federal government now come July I think? So you would need to talk to the financial department of the school you're going to.
Could this guy I met today be gay?
Feeling a sparks not really enough to know if he's gay. If i were you i'd go to the superbowl party and get to know him a little better. If your out already, I'd also make sure you tell the guy your bi and see how he reacts.
Narnia or Harry Potter?
I like Harry Potter, but my family are christians and they are totally against any kind of witchcraft. I also like Narnia and it is based on christianity and I wanted to know what you thought please be detailed.
What is some info about kickboxing?
there are foot jabs, where you just snap your knee and kick them, roundhouses, and all of the standard punches of boxing. You can knee in kickboxing too.
Trip to lebanon, egypt and Syria?
I would appreciate your help in providing me with some links of organized trips to lebanon, syria or egypt from Tunis ? Thanks
Hmmmm what is HPTS ??
a href=";_ylt=ArTs84s0geVz8TOmpWa52ZeQ.Rd.;_ylv=3?qid=20080830071154AAPtzwg";…/a
Coping with friend's betrayal?
Perhaps she feels as though she did nothing wrong. Or perhaps she feels that if she pretends she did nothing wrong, you'll go along with it and she can feel better about whatever awful thing she did. Regardless, you should tell her how you feel. If this doesn't solve anything, ignore her and move on. Unfortunately, some people are just jerks. Even people we wholeheartedly trust. I just hope it doesn't break your faith in humanity.
Would you hire a college kid to work on your house?
Last week my doorbell rang and it was this 20-something kid that said he was working his way through college and was doing exterior painting to earn money. My first question to him was, "Are you insured?" to which he replied, "Yeah, sure." I asked for more information about him and he handed me a piece of paper saying that he represented Collegiate Entrepreneurs, Inc. Something just made me wary of him, although he looked clean-cut and sincere. I've had bad enough luck with licensed contractors. Any opinions on this?
Should i trade purses?
If she knows yours is fake, then yes why not? You are getting a real purse for a fake one. Great deal, I think. =]
Do You think Nuns really?
Conserve themselves. I dont know but i dont think women can go years without having !! what do you think
Where can I find sublminal Imagery like on the show Chuck?
I was watching the show Chuck and they talk about subliminal imagery. Not the type that shows a hidden word like s-e-x but more the type that has multiple images on one. I wanted to do more research on this topic and find example images. Any ideas where I could find this? Please Help!
What was the name of this show on Nickelodeon?
It was on Nickelodeon when I was growing up (1980's). It had mostly teenage kids doing skits kind of like SNL only for young kids & each show would have a topic. Whenever someone said "I don't know" they were "slimed" with green stuff & whenever they said "water" in a skit they were hosed down with water from the ceiling. What was the darn name LOL? It's on the tip of my please?
Essendon Vs St Kilda Lat night Kit Clashing?
Why can't Essendon wear a reverse strip to what they have now, Red with a black sash, still their traditional colours and very much unlikely to clash with St Kilda and Melbourne, and to those saying St Kilda should have worn an alternative strip, hey home team has the right to wear the strip of their choice, It's about time Collingwood and Essendon got with the program and stopped being pigheaded.
Don't want new friends?
You know what i prefer for every one who is in highschool or gonig to highschool dont invite too many new friends i mean ofcourse you have to have friends but not to much like the popular kids because of a very important reason you studies also troubles. what i mean if you have many friends then you have to hangout with each one of them to stay friends which will take a lot of time of you studies. another problem that occurs more in girls is when yo have more friends mean that you might fight more because some friend might make a romer about you then you have to fight with them and argue with them which will make you angry and upset you.
I lost my dad last month tru aids,my mum is got it, he got it tru my dad, will she live till the nxt 5 yrs?
Depends on medication she's on, how healthy she is, and I think they are also drug resistant forms of it also (not too sure), but it will depend on that. It's looked at more now as a chronic illness, so if she visits her Doc, she could easily live longer than five years.
I understand iodine is bad on acne. Do you know of a good multivitamin/mineral that does not have iodine?
only an irritant if applied topically. Iodine not intend for internal use / not used in multivitimins.
What do you do if you suspect child abuse but arnt sure?
my friends girlfriend has a mean grandma. i didn't think much of it at first and just dismissed it as over-protectiveness. but ive been chatting with her and when they saw her grades weren't very good her grandma called her a "f*#& up" and things of that manner. her dad was also yelling things that, im sure, didn't help her self esteem. she chatted with me soon after, which is how i found out, and she said she was on the brink of tears. Later in the chat she told me back in 6th grade her grandma used to hit her, she also said her grandma almost hit her a month ago just because she looked at her wrong. during the chat she changed her status to "why wont she just die". I tried to tell her to talk to the school councilor about it but she just said theirs no point in it. what should i do?
Martial movies that have super human abilities. e.g people use (chi, qi) etc energy blasts?
boxing. think about it, the average heavyweight boxer can punch with 800-1000 pounds 0f thats a super human ability if you think about it.
Tough dry stew meat.. help!?
I am making beef stew and I am using Paula Deens recipe (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a I browned the beef first then followed all directions. It has been 2 hours and I tasted the beef and it is dry and tough. It has liquid covering it still and it has been on low for two hours. Any suggestions on how to save my meal?
Like this poem? I'm not a poet but just kinda wrote it without thinking.?
Hi I like your poem because you wrote it from your heart and I respect your feelings. There is no such things as right or wrong poems, Your poetic style is different. You said that you are not a poet, one does not have to be a poet to write about our deepest desires and the things that makes us happy or sad. Your poem makes sense to me and the form and the vision is very clear and understandable. If you love poetry keep working on it. For further help you might want to consider reading some poems from Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Browning, Dylan Thomas, Robert Frost, Emily inson, Maya Angelou, and Edgar Allen Poe you will get some good learning insight from these great poets. Don't give up no matter what others says in their negatives comments . I think you deserved to have constructive comments and critiques that you may learn from your mistakes and grow from it. Take care keep on writing and learning.
Human Genetic Alteration. What do you think?
I'm an atheist. I believe that it's just another technology that can be used for good or bad ends (like nuclear power vs. nuclear bombs, for example). The potential benefits are huge but there will be inevitable ethical concerns as the technology develops. It's important that we should be open minded and not shut the door to important life-saving treatments that may be developed in the future.
What's in a good photography portfolio?
You can include some of your best photos in it. If you make different styles, you can separate them into chapters. You can put words among them. And you can make also a digital portofolio
He never though that the relationship could end as could it happen like in the movie fatal attaction
as a prophet he was guiding her and she was liberated from a very oppresive situation , receiving many miracles form God. she started by greed , lack of faith etc a open her heart to satan , she becames possessed and he started to take distance. she gone , after months she reappeared first hiden , then attacking in an internet anonymous forum (very nasty, where he s to evangelize).saying bad names , contradicting what he write about the Bible etc. worse is that she says she s a christian and he doesn t. as he do that a blasphemer joined her and started to attack God, Jesus and the prophet(very hard ual blasphemes) , thats is during already some months.she shows an incredible hatred and more now because he started to ingnore her and she shows that she is more angry and saying, you are not a born again, i dumped you with your neighbor, you are will, you take meds etc. the family(she s married with children) and the church where she goes know nothing ,
How I should act next time? Playing with my emotions? I want to kiss him but should I. Need a guys perspective
You say that there is this one girl that he "really likes", yet by his described actions, it seems as if he wants you. This from a guy's perspective can be seen from two ways:he thinks that he is "hot stuff" and wants to feed this ego by trying to pick up many girls, or alternatively, he says he likes your friend just to tease you, almost make you jealous, so that you want him even more. I would say that he does like you, as you said that he has kissed you in front of his friend, this friend will then tell other guys that you are going out with mr "bubbly and confident" (sorry i dont know his name). Its a big indicator that he wants to have a serious relationship with you when you went to his house and met his parents, from a guy's perspective this is big, as you want your parents to see that you and this girl know each other, and are good friends. I dont think that he is mocking you by touching your nose or mouth, i think that he has watched too many love movies, cause usually if the hero and the heroin are about to kiss, the hero usually puts two fingers on the heroin's lips, stopping her. i dont know why lol. i think that if he keeps bringing up the times that you had with him as memories, then he is just trying to make sure that you miss the relationship that you had before. By doing this, he shows that he really wants to get with you again. i hope this helps. this is my interpretation of the situation, so dont take anything i posted for granted, cause it might not necessarily be correct.
To african americans siding with racist bigots?
Those african americans who voted against gay marriage need to check their history.They use the bible and join the side of bigots to disapprove gay marriage,they forget that the kkk used thesame bible to approve hate against black people.During the struggle for black civil rights,majority of the population approved of racism and disapproved of interracial marriage.It was the court that had to step in and change the law because the judges probably knew how racist people were those days.I see thesame thing playing out in gay marriage.You take sides with bigots that,if they had the chance,would turn around and discriminate against you.To those african americans who voted against gay marriage,stop taking sides with bigots because sooner or later they will turn their hate on you.And to all those bigots out there,first obey the ten commandments of God before you open your mouth to decide what gay marriage should be.It seems the only chapter in the bible you know of is on ity.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Where can i get training for accounting job?
i am a recent college graduate in accounting. i would like to get some training in accounting software like peach tree, quickbooks, quicken to enhance my skill. i am also trying to get training for bookkeeping and accouts payable/receivable job. what would be the ways to get those training?your answers will be really appreciated. thank you.
Why won't my Bronco run?
You might have a weak spark. Pull a wire off a plug and hold it near the block while someone cranks the engine. The spark should go about a 1/4". If you have to hold it really close then you have weak spark. Check the resistances of your coil and make sure it's not bad. I would get a Pertronix coil to be sure. I would also pull the spark plugs and see if they're fouled or not, check the gap too. You might also check the choke erfly on your carb. It should be fully closed when the car is cold with light spring tension (after you push the pedal once to reset it). Make sure it opens smoothy (push it with your finger). As soon as you start the engine it should open up a little. If you have to put your foot all the way down (to dechoke) it might be too tight or stuck so that it isn't opening. Your timing might be really goofy too, but less likely. Hope this helps!
How to teach dog bang ?
ok so my schnauzer roxy can sit , stay , roll over , beg , lay down , back seat and scoot over (in the car) , and go to bed but no matter how many times we try we cant teach her bang :( we have tried a bunch of websites and shes a very smart dog but she just cant seem to get it . can anyone help me here ??
Has the 0baama regime upped the stakes from barry-flavored Kool Aid to "Hopium" for the midterm elections?
Everything this administration has done since day one amounts to no less than political bribery and pandering, the are mere extortionists .
Somebosy i like, sent me a tex, telling me "Iam gone for good" I want to know what he means by that?
Maybe he means he doesn't like you? Does he know that you like him? Just text him back asking him what that means! It couldn't hurt, besides if it means he wants to hurt you or somthing, your better off knowing!
Muslim girls please help me and tell me the solution for that ?
i reached the 27th part in the Quran elhamdolla and i really hoped to finish the Quran "a5tamo" before the end of ramadan ..i konw today is still 25 or 26 ramadan but i cant touch the QUran because of the period n it willnot end b4 the end of ramadan so please tell me how to finish these last three parts bec i really want to finish the Quran this ramadan
What are the wage garnishment exemptions (Credit card debt) in Virginia?
Hello all, I am currently in a bit of a bind with one of my credit cards. Last year I definitely made some bad choices with credit, and as a result of the economy, I have had to take a lower paying job (lay offs). I was already way in over my head, and then got pregnant. I had to go on disability for three months, which wasn't much money, and I couldn't pay my creditor. (Capitol One). A judgment was issued against me last month and I am due to be in court. I am so worried because I'm not on disability anymore (just got back to work last month), and the creditor is no longer willing to negotiate and wants to garnish me in court. I make about 280 bucks a week and I've already worked out several agreements with my other card companies for drafted payments. Then on top of that I have rent, food, electric, etc. Then, there is my unborn child (6 months). I am currently on the WIC gov't program for mothers, I have a small amount for food stamps and medicaid. Can they still garnish my work wages?? I know they can't garnish the government money that ists me, but I am really stuck in a hard time right now, and I've been trying so hard to get a better job because I am college educated, but in this economy nobody seems to be hiring. How can I claim an exemption?
Building a gaming computer, Have i chosen good parts or not? alternatives? all answers welcome?
Tell u wat. Go to and custom build ur own pc. you can get a really high end pc for about 1500 quid.
Has Obama's Bush policy of war mongering pushed Russia too far --?
I would say most of the world has had quite enough of the arrogant American expansionist policy . Turkey flat out said a big " NO " to the missiles . Now riots in the streets of Egypt are telling the US backed regime it is time to leave ..
Alternator won't charge my car?
I've tried everything I can possibly think of. First, I replaced the alternator. No go. Still died. Okay, so I replaced the battery. Still died. Okay, so I take it to my mom's friend (mechanic for 38 years), and he noticed my wiring is really corroded. He finds three electrical shorts and fixes them. I get a new battery and alternator again. Still died. Now we get a new ground cable that connects to (I think he said the air conditioning) to draw power from the engine. Still died. He has a tester (2 of them) and it's always saying that the alternator is indeed charging. But clearly something else is wrong. The car used to indicate some signs before it died, like the speedometer moving a lot, or the radio turning off while driving. But it just died now and showed NO signs that it was going to die. But it did. The car never turns off while driving, only once I turn it off, then try to turn it back on. Nothing is working, I really need help, please! When I try to turn my car on all I get is clicking and the lights dim. We thought maybe something is draining the battery, but that doesn't make sense because when I drive, the alternator should charge my battery, but it clearly is not and I don't know why. By the way, I am pretty inexperienced with cars and mechanics, so if you have an idea, please explain it to me as simply and easily as possible. Thank you for your help. If you need any other details, email me at (It's a separate email account so I don't get junk mail on my real account.)
A diploid cell is measured in the G1 phase after meiosis I, DNA content of one of the two cells produced...?
C... Let's say the original cell has 4 chromosomes. Before meiosis can begin they replicate creating 8. After meiosis I we start with 2 cells with 4 each. That is one half of what we started with.
Bleach my hair again or Strip the color then bleach?
You should probably wait and then bleach it all at once, but it will be almost impossible to match the already-bleached part.
How is my fantasy football team?
Well you are off to a start. if you did your homework you would have stayed far away from Ochocinco now that he has to share with T.O. Also, Sidney Rice is out for half the season. You should not drafted him at all for any reason. Everything else looks good. If I where you i would try to trade Ochocinco, Knowshon, and Maloney for a top ten RB or WR to try to get some better starters. Think about this. It dosnt matter how good your bench is if they don't play. Trade some bench players for good people, even f that means having a horrible bench. Then if a starter gets injured, you can trade one of your 'benched' starters for a player who can fill your injured players position and not hurt your points each week.
Big gaps in my teeth after having tooth pulled out and wearing rubber bands.?
I have braces for over a year and a half now and i had to get two bottom teeth pulled out. I think this was around July last year. The gap is almost closed probably could take another few months though i am wearing the strongest rubber bands full time. The only thing is the tooth behind the one they are pulling foward to close the gap were my other tooth had been pulled out has now separated from the one they are pulling foward so i have another huge gap! its painfull when i eat as the food gets stucks especially eating hard food like chips and nuts. Is this ment to happen? will the Orthodontist fix it? i was meaning to ask last time but they were so busy i had only a istant changing the bands. I also havent had them tightned in like 3 months and it feels like they are going back to were they use to be. Why is this?
Well yeah. It's pretty simple. You can do that but i suggest that you do the process online because there is bunch of online discounts:-)
Help with my thesis on Beethoven. Does it look OK?
Beethoven brought to the art of music new depths of expressiveness that were not known before his time while going through the hardship of losing his hearing; however it was as if he could hear his own music.
What geographic area determines whether a call is long distance or not?
I lived in an area with 6 area codes and none of them required long-distance charges. Then I moved to an area where one area code covered half the state and numbers in the same area code required long distance charges. How is the distance calculated on what is long distance or not? It obviously doesn't go based on area code, so what is it based on?
My dogs poo is sticky and gooey?
My beautiful puppy ollie is a ier spaniel and has lived outside since day 1 but today i found a gooey substance on this kennel floor i wasn't sure if it was sick or poop what does everyone suggest i do or what it could be?
What was the style for men in the 80's?
im going to sadies with my boyfriend and the theme is "dancing through the decades" and i wanted to dress in 80's style but i dont know what men wore in the 80's. help?
Should i give up on poetry?
I don't care whether you give up or not. This poem is a good effort. However, as with some of your other work, this poem is not finished. Don't give up on a poem after the first revision, that's just vanity. The poem is good, but it could be a lot better.
Do all of the continents that are in the Northern Hemisphere see the same constellations?
Anyone sharing your latitude will see exactly the same sky you do. Of course, it they are on the far side of the Earth, it will be twelve hours before or after you.
Please Help! Urgent! Student Council Slogan?
My name is Mairen Hilary. I am running for student council president. Any ideas for slogans or posters?
Borla cat back or Greddy sp2 catback.?
I have mint condition 1993 Ford Probe GT 5sd 52,000 original miles. Anyways I thinking of putting a cat back exhaust on it there are only two I know that are good quvality and fut my car. The greddy sp2 and the borla cat back system. I want to know which one is by far the loudest, coolest and adds the most performance and gas milige The Greddy sp2 or Borla high flow cat-back? I want an exhaust that is loud throaty deep. I don't it to sound like a ricer.
What is the song called of the Chronicles of narnia prince caspian official trailer song called?
The opening one is unknown, the second one is called "Tieres" by Pfeifer Broz. Music. The third one is called "Humanity Sector" by Brand X Music. And the one after Aslan's roar is called "Black Legend" by Immediate Music.
Does weight affect how early one goes into menopause?
I am heavy set and 39 years old. Suddenly the cycles are not regular anymore and I have had some symptoms of menopause. Hot flashes, sudden lactose intolerance, Nausea, anxiety. Anyone know if this might be menopause?
Trip ideas besides the Crayola Factory?
Hi, I'm planning a quick spontaneous trip to PA for Memorial Day weekend. It will be me, my hubby and our 8 yr old daughter. We'd like to stop at the Crayola Factory. We went there a few yrs ago and it was nice but other than that, what can we do around that area? We prefer to stay away from Hershey park because its just too expensive. She's too old for the Please Touch museum. We want to do something low key but fun around there without going broke. Any ideas?? Thanks!
Need some advice on buying a new Laptop.?
Get something like a Dell Inspiron 1525. It comes in different configurations, Mine was about that and was $750 at my store.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Haircut for thick curly hair? help me pleaseee!?
i have extremely thick, medium sized curls, frizzy medium brown hair down about 10 inches below my chin. i'm getting a haircut soon and idk what to get. i've had my hair really long (i'm not a fan of long hair considering i play several sports and prefer not spending long amounts of time on my hair) and i've had it as short as like 3 inches below the shoulders. i have layers just so my hair isn't a giant pyramid but very long and not many. i have really been considering a long bob but when i was little and my hair was first growing out it was very springy ringlet curls--now that my hair is this thick i'm afraid i will develop an afro. i also considered thinning out my hair a lott (whatever cut i get i want to get rid of a LOT of my hair either way, but it has to be able to go in a ponytail). but i am afraid that this will have a similar problem with the shorter strands frizzing up. it takes me and hour and a half to straighten my hair now, will it be easier and waaaay faster if i get it shorter? basically what cut could i do that will look cute, be able to go back into a ponytail, and remain easy to manage (my hair is so tough now i can't remember the last time it wasn't in a messy bun)), and get rid of a considerable amount of my hair. i have a long face (oval) with profound, high cheek bones. helpppppppp please!
Is 24/7 a fraction? ?
My teacher tried to tell me it wasn't. I believe it is an improper fraction but a fraction none-the-less. 1/1 is a fraction. 100000000/.09875 is a fraction.
Icom radio in Live free or die hard?
We just saw the latest Die Hard movie (live free or die hard). During the last chase scene, while Bruce Willis is driving the truck, he uses an ICOM radio. What is the model number of the radio?
What are some structural differences between the big cats,?
I only know that cheetahs claws are not retractable (unlike all other cats) and it helps for its fast running.
How do you know when you have been hired because of Affirmative Action?
In Canada, First Nations are our AA. Unfortunately, most of them have few skills; and that's a problem. We put them on reserves where they recieved substandard education and lived amongst alcoholism and violence. Now, we expect them to meet the standards of others. And, it's not happening. And it won't happen until they get off the reserves.
Why have America's police failed at winning the War on Drugs?
They turned the public's stommic. With the tactics they used, Ruined there reputations as people. And officers. Gained the dealers public support in a way. Or at least some safety publicly. To many off them were dealer or on the take themselves. Basically they came in and acted like spoiled 2 year olds with guns. And permission to use them. And a pack of mouth off boys and girls in public. Today they are starting to pay for it. No public support left.
Information about red ear terrapins please?
Check out this site a href="" rel="nofollow"
Is the water from water machines at grocery stores distilled?
The answer to your question depends on what the store has for sale. It may sell distilled water . It may sell ionized water. It ma sell spring water. What does the label or sign say? It can be any of those or more choices.
I got my BFP last week!!!?
my last cycle was June 9th, I did blood work last week and yes it was POSITIVE and I have to go again and do more tommorrow. Just to make sure my levels raised. I had 2 miscarriages before. My question is when should I see the dr for the 1st time? I just feel like my dr's office should have scheduled something already. I OV on June 20th. Thanks for the HELP!!!
Tell why Sen. Daschle is on the board of three ethanol companies in Iowa?
And what is the prominent connection between Dashschle and Obama. Does this ethanol issue have legs? Anything wrong with this picture?
So October 21st isn't really the day the world is going to end?
but it's actually the perfect amount of time Harold Camping calculated for himself to leave the country with all the money he took from his gullible followers, change his identity, and settle into a new life living out his days in some fancy mansion laughing his *** off at everyone who believed him.
Why did exploration of the human body featuring super junior get removed from youtube?
it said "this video is unavailable" but i know youtube has everything. but because of this i can't watch this awesome show, if you know where i can watch ehb with eng subs not video hosted by youtube (which it'd be hard) i don't want to download the epidoes from websites either. I'm currently on ehb ep 11 part 1 so far and i can't seem to watch it. im soo FRUSTRATED, i want to finish watching it or i'll just be deppressed ;((( please tell me!!! thank you!!!
Anyone up for some good old Christian humor? I've posted these before and had a great response.?
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading this post. It's easy to get depressed reading the posts of so many people who are wandering through life angry at God for some pain in their life for which He was not responsible. God would remove all this pain if they would just let Him. It's refreshing to see joy in the words of a believer in the true and living God.
Help with Friend troubles?
okay, well before i had a conversation with my friend hillary. we were disscussing about one girl named carrie, and it came off to me that she really disliked carrie and wanted me to be on her side about it. Later that day i told my best friend mellanie about the conversation i had with hillary, and told mellanie that hillary told me she hated carrie and asked me that if i was on her side. I got carried away and told mellanie that hillary said that carrrie was a horrible person and she hated her blahhblahhblahh. (i kinda went over board) But then, melliane told CARRIE the story that I told her, and carrie confronted hillary about it. Hillary then texed me upset and angry, but i just kept telling every1 that tht was what she said. now im feeling guilty and dont know what to do, cuz i reallyy dont want to admit i lied, and embarres myself. WHAT SHOULD I DO?? BEST ANSWER TEN POINTS
What do you think this means?
I think that most people will take something different from this so it's basically up to you to decide what it means to you.
Why can we get naked with people and have ....?
but not have the nerve to be straightforward about everything else with that very person???...Im always interested in how you can trust someone with your body ...but not with your thoughts....What do you think?
Can this work in my Yugioh deck?
ceasefire states that all effect monsters on both side of the field, not only flip effects, but all effects. When activated, every face down monster is flipped face up, and not only that, ALL effect monsters are 500 damages each to your opponent, its a extremely powerful card in a burn deck, and thats why its limited to one per deck.
How to create a DVD from MPEG-4 files?
I have a camcorder which produces MPEG-4 files (and won't produce any other formats) which I can extract on to my PC. However I'm not sure how to best write these files to a DVD so that I can give it to friends to watch. Do I need to convert them? Is there some freeware or paidware software around?
A weird coincidence i see concerning Jeff Hardy and Chris Benoit...?
Iwant to add funds to my yahoo phone out service. where do i find the My Services page ??
Log in to your Yahoo messenger account, go to Messenger tab, then go to my account sub tab, click on add funds.
Will the America haters deface monuments March 17, like they defaced our Capitol building the last protest?!?
No, there will be enough Anti-Anti-War Protestors there to prevent the deliberate defamation of our nation's heritage!
Are there any ***** sporting goods printable coupons available that Arnt expired yet?
Are there any ***** sporting goods printable coupons available that Arnt expired yet? I want the biggest discount as possible. I am going to spend just about $100 there please help
Sunday, August 14, 2011
What do you think of this love poem?
I like it! She makes your heart boil and makes you nervous and sweat but then she leaves...its a good story and everything. Sad, but I like sad. lol =] I don't know much about poetry but I enjoyed your flow of words and thats enough for me.
How do i make my parents let me have a bird?
I really want a bird but my parents keep saying theyll think about it whenever i ask which always means no what do i do?
How is wine related to the theme of A Tale Of Two Cities?
Wine=Blood. At the beginning of the novel outside of Defarge's wineshop carters drop a casket of wine. This is a foreshadowing of the blood that will flow through the streets when the Revolution comes. It also show how poor the people are because they run and drink it straight from the street.
Why Did Sarah Palin Break Viewership Records When She Went Against Biden, Went On SNL, & Had A Reality Show?
Was that because America hates her ? People, don`t believe the false reality that your leftist funded press is trying to make you believe. America is America...and Obama and the progressives on both side of the isle have no future here. Just vote con and never vote for Romney, unless you enjoy this endless circle jerk.
How do I delete my account?
I joined an online forum that does not allow members to unsubscribe, or delete their postings/accounts. Ped a certain date, editing is no longer allowed. I've tried contacting the moderator but this has not worked. According to the terms of service, the forum now owns my posts and account. I read this when I joined but I did not know that I could never change anything or remove myself from it. I know it is possible for them to delete posts because it happens when someone submits inappropriate content. Aside from posting profanity to get attention, what can I do?
Hindus::Why Adi Sankara mentioned only about "Sri Sailam" in Sivananda Lahari when there are so many Kshetras?
Astadasa shakti peetom me bramaramba maa ek hai. dwadasa jyotir lingom me mallikarjuna swamy ek hai. yah bahut shaktishali pradeshom me ek hai.
White powder on soil?
Try transplanting them into a new pot.Support them with sticks.I think this is because of salt in the water you're watering on.
My soup has seperated. How do I restore it?
I am making a stroganoff slow cooker recipe. It called for condensed golden mushroom soup, and I made one from scratch. To thicken the soup, before adding it to the crock pot, I made a mixture of milk, er and flour cooking until thickened. Well, I got anxious after I added the soup to the crock pot and turned it on high for an hour ( I know, I should never have done that, but I am an impatient vixen sometimes.) and then it separated. How do I fix this? THere is 2 more hours to finish the dish. I only had it on high for one hour.It has been cooking for 4 hours total.
Asians, Eskimos, Native Americans, Aztecs & Mayans?
They and I all belong to the Mongoloid race, so they are closely related. Humans did not evolve in the Americas, as fossil evidence proves. Humans first came to North America across the Bering Strait from Asia and spread south from there. Over the centuries, they had many different cultures.
Will Aaron Rodgers win the playoff on Sunday?
As we know that the Packers will have the playoff at Philadelphia on Sunday.Do you think the team will win?
Is Gin and a squeeze of lime okay on Atkins diet?
I don't want to full blown cheat on this way of eating, I just want a little alcohol to enjoy now and then. Would this throw me off completely from Atkins? Thanks!
Seems Democratic leaders are agreeing that Mccain is a hero.. more....?
Republicans seem to be agreeing that every American soldier who served is a hero. How come they didn't say this 4 years ago when John Kerry was running for pres? Are they less patriotic and respectful as Democratic leaders??
Do you guys think this is a good dress for me ?
That is a beautiful dress! I'm sure it will look beautiful on you! Why not? And your skin color will look great with that color!
Skateboard tricks, in order of difficulty?
i need a list of skateboard tricks to learn in order of difficulty. please give me at least more than 10, and not just "ollie, manula... thats all i can think of" i need a big list of at least 10. thanks
How to gain weight while eating healthy?
Im 16, a junior in high school im about 5'9" and weigh about 130-135 lbs. I workout everyday and though i do steadily see more muscle tone im not gaining weight and I just still look scrawny. I eat a lot all the time and can't seem to gain weight no matter how hard i try...I generally don't eat that healthy so i don't want to start eating more junk my question is, Does anyone have advice on how to gain weight in a health manner?
Do cats have memories??of people.?
i had my two cats from kittens for 2 years when moved couldnt take them with so neighbous took them that was 3 years ago [nearly].will they remember me .or is it tones in your voice they reconise?please i have recently seen one of them and it was very sad when i had to leave them he just seemed a little weary,so dont know if they can actually remember people??thankyou hope to get some anwsers soon,haley
Can electricians come inspect electrical work in a finished house to make sure everything was done right?
Have a qualified professional electrician make the needed repairs. The local AHJ should make the inspection and your handyman should stand the expense of having the electrical repairs made to the work he did. Live and learn that a cheap bid does not mean inexpensive. When you hire a pro, you get the expertise that means these type of problems if they happen at all get fixed when they are found.
Obama -174 electoral votes...only 96 more to win...whos excited?!!!?
I am! 55 of those 96 votes will come from California alone, 43 more from Iowa, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, and Hawaii. 55 plus 43 is 98, and I didn't even mention a single battleground state!
Java - editing images, vertical reflect?
I need to reflect an image down the middle of the input i made. Thus, the java command should swap pairs of columns of pixels? All I need is the actual algorithm...I have written everything to get the image and such.
Pokemon Pokestation GTS?
How does the Pokestation GTS work? And are the event Pokemon (TRU Arceus, movie 13 Celebi, Mystry Mew) still considered legit? Will it harm your game?
Christians does anyone know any details about the book of Judas?
i was watching a show on national geographic and they stated that it was 85% saved,that it ranged from heresy to advanced learning..can anyone tell me anything about it?
What is Hillary Duff's current hair color?
I want to be Hillary Duff for Halloween, so, what is her hair color? Brown, black, or changed again?
Is it possible to refit a riding lawn mower to run on propane?
It should be possible, c ars and trucks can be converted to run off of propane. (costs about $1900) a lot of commercial vehicles do it. i suggest you talk to a propane mechanic about what would be required
Why hasnt wwe turned christian into a full fledged heel yet?
i dont see christian as a true heel yet.yes he has attacked randy orton but thats it he hasnt done anything to make the crowd hate him and you can tell because he still gets pops.he is like a tweener right now and he is ok but it would be 100x better is christian fully turned heel.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Phosphate enemas?
Im trying to find a source of dispsable phosphate enemas or fleet enemas, i prefer to buy from a uk supplier rather than american due to the carriage charges, anyone any ideas ?
phobia in school? From Teachers! So angry!?
I am a writer, and I love to write fiction love and stuff... and you ROCK at writing, brilliant. I really liked your writing, about your teacher, I think the on the pew was the, " filth ", that he was talking about, but I find that to be ok. It is YOUR story and THEY asked for your own piece of creative writing! That is great and creative, and totally cute and awesome. Sounds like a great story, maybe we could get in touch and share stories, that would rock! :) I would go to the English head and tell him that what he thought was ok and that you would respect that, but you like your story and you hope that HE repsects THAT! :) Good luck!!
Who should i start with these four or 5 ?
greg gennings, eddie royal,deshaun jackson,and sammy morris. Now i can start 3 wide recievers or 2 and one running back cuz i have brian westbrook already starting
Is the ancient astronauts theory, a COMPLETELY male belief system; if so, why?
There is no such thing as a purely male belief system. Yes ive seen the show but remember its all theories so take it with a grain of salt. I keep an open mind but im generally a skeptic. Doesn't mean i don't believe in the possibility but I need something more than a theory that makes some logical sense i need proof.
Did Bow Wow give Angela Simmons a disease?
Really. It's not like Angie's the type of girl to just run around and do whatever. Unlike most celebs Run actually knows what he's doing when it comes to raising kids. Yeah, they might get into this and that, but they're still good kids because they had a father with a back bone. I doubt that she let him get close enough to give her anything. Not to say that she's all innocent, the girl is just smart. Cudos to Angie.
What is that movie called: Swamp thing?
The story involves 2 boys and an old man or something that lives in a wooden house in the swamp. And the 2 boys discover the swamp has a long-ish kind of nose and looks like a crocodile man thing???? I cant remember the name of the movie, so pls help????
Dream question?
About a week ago, I went to a hypnotist show and got hypnotized there. I don't remember what I did when I was hypnotized, but my friends told me that I did a lot of dancing (Madonna, Beat It by Michael Jackson, My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas, Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-lot) among other things (also he apprantly made me think he was insulting my mom). Anyway, last night I dreamed that I was at the show doing some of the crazy things my friends said I did. Are these real memories? BTW, this isn't the first time I got hypnotized (but it is the first time I didn't have a medical professional do it); I've done it three or four times now. I am also easily hypnotizible. I was also groggy for the rest of that night. Hope I'm not being too hard on my brain by all this hypnotizing (I kinda like being hypnotized and want to do it more).
What's the game where you fly around and can shoot things on your screen for mac?
I saw my friend playing this "game" type thing where you fly around and can shoot links and pictures and text on any website. We both have macs... idk what its called though. he said it's like "astro" something.
Please Help Me. Stain On Emu Boots(different make but same as uggs)?
Providing it is sheepskin, you could probably use the official UGG cleaner. It probably works for all sheepskin boots
If an LLC only received $2500 for work done this year, does it have to pay taxes on it?
I formed an LLC at the begining of August, have only received $2500 and it doesn't look like I'll be making more until the summer of next year. Where do I start with the tax process? I couldn't find an answer on the IRS site and the state tax representative I spoke with was a lazy moron who didn't know anything about anything, much less taxes.
In my desktop pc the kaspersky antivirus installed its 3 user, regularly updated it. but its not shut down.?
also no responce for cont+alt+del. but its working normally in online and off line. shut down and restat are the problem throug start menu.
My Cancun Vacation Itinerary (Your Opinion Please)?
Don't forget to take some time to just sit out or swim in the ocean with a drink or two! With all that activity, you will need some relaxtion time.
I just bought the new turok game for the xbox 360 how do i save more than one game of it?
i just bought a bran new turok game for the xbox 360 all the turoks are awesome especially turok: evolution but this is by far the best, but anyway i cant save more than one game of it. the xbox overwrites it!? its so annoying i got so far and my dumb brother deleted it on me and hes friggin 6 hes way too smart
I dont think i can do it?
the best thing to do is keep trying but if you dont like it just quit the team. if you dont want to just look at all the competitive cheerleaders out there. im sure you want to be like them . say in ur head when you do ur stretchesses and excercises " i can do it" "yes i can" . :)
Shouldnt Hemorroids be Asteroids and Asteroids be Hemorroids?
Because hemorroids are things in your and asteroids are things in the hemisphere, or whatever type of sphere it is haha
Whose the best (boys) high school team in your state?
I live in Louisiana I keep hearing about Washington-Marion(Lake Charles) Helen Cox(Harvey) near New Orleans and Peabody(Alexandria)
Question(s) about PA Police Academies?
I'm looking to become a local cop in my area, but I have a bit of a dilemma. Does anyone know if you need a 2 year Bachelor's Degree to become a Municipal Cop? A friend of mine that graduated the academy said that you need one for the State Police, but failed to mention Municipal Police. And I wonder why you would need to get a BD to be a local cop when they give you 16 credits towards a criminal justice program in collage and my friend is already a cop and he graduated the academy about 2 months ago. Anyhow, does anyone know if I need a BD or not?
Another car ques.?
Some places charge extra fees for early payment. You need to call whoever you have the loan with to find out. You also need to get the pay off amount from them. Getting the title back depends on the company. They are going to make sure what ever funds you send them will clear before they send it to you. Plan on a least seven business days.
Can anybody tell me where i can get freeware software to hide my ip address for p2p downloading?
There are honeypot proxies, so be careful with proxies. try this one a href="" rel="nofollow"
Knit vs Crochet. Which is faster for a blanket?
It is hard to say which is faster. People work at different speeds, and the size of the needles or hook and the type of yarn would make a difference. I knit faster than I crochet. I do know that crochet uses more yarn than knitting for the same size piece of work. I noticed this making baby blankets using the same type of yarn, with the blankets being the same size. So to use less yar, knitting is better.
Boiling Points Question?
A mixture is prepared using equal mes of the two volatile liquids benzene, C6H6, and ethanol, C2H5OH. What is the mole fraction of benzene in this mixture?
Base details poem please help me?
The opening purports to be spoken by an old ex-soldier enjoying his rank and status. the last two line are a counterpoint highlighting the hypocrisy and coldness of the old soldier.
Hm... that's $322 U.S. Dollars. It's only okay. It depends on what she plans on doing with it, it won't handle video editing or any games, but it'll be okay for internet browsing.
Am I sick, or could I be pregnant?
I don't know for sure but I hope you are!!! Friday is the day for me too so hopefully we both wake up and get BFP's Good luck and baby dust to the both of us!!!
What's wrong with people? Dumping patients in Skid Row?!?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Question for people who've finished Harry Potter book 6 already...?
You know, after book 6, not much that she does with those characters would surprise me any more. They've gone from being young students in a prestigious school, to soldiers fighting a war of good against evil. The books have gone from innocent to more adult in actions and emotion, and it just wouldn't surprise me in this last book, with what ever it is she plans to have them do.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Will you vote for Hugo Chavez if he stands for the president of your country?
if i lived in a country where a handful of rich families owned everything and where the rest had nothing to say... yes i would.
Now that No Doubt is coming back...?
Do you think they'll be the same? I mean, I'm SUPER excited about it and I love Gwen, but they're not as young as they used to be. I don't know if they can uphold the craziness that they used to have. On the other hand though, Gwen is probably a lot more experienced after two solo albums. (I'm so sad she's done with those, I loved them so much...especially L.A.M.B.) Anyways, what's your opinion? Do you think they'll be better, the same, or worse?
When do you take SAT of PSAT?
I took the PSAT during my sophmore year. I took the SAT both junior and senior year. You should take the SAT during your junior year so that if you wanted to take it again you at least have a chance to take it again another time in your senior year. The PSAT at my school before had a schedule of when you can take it and that was during somewhere beginning of my sophmore year.
Is there anything that can be practically considered a paradox?
Is a paradox just concept that arises out of mistakes in human logic or are there things that exist in the real world that can be considered paradoxes?
Is there a way to get a VCR on L1 or L2 without a remote control?
I can't get to L1 or L2 by changing the vcr from channel 2 either. Also, I had a universal remote that; when I pressed the input on it would change the vcr to L1 and L2. But, that remote is history and I have a hughes direct tv universal remote, but can not get to L1 or L2 with it. Thanks for any help.
Lyrics I wrote care to c/c please?
Its good, definitely better than lady gaga, Ke$ha, katy perry, Rihanna, and most mainstream. Seriously most mainstream pop and rap and R&B has no creativity. You beat them all.:D
A Movie with Tom hanks in it (maybe?)?
Its about this couple who live in this dome type thing(Some type of "shielding" not necessarily a dome), and are able to maintain a high standard of living because of it. However the majority of people live outside of the dome and are unshielded from something from space(radiation, asteroids, not quite sure), and have basically reverted to a hunter gather lifestyle. This couple are both doctors and that's how they met. Then when one of them leaves the "dome" to help the people outside, he or she disappears, and the other one embarks on a journey to save he or she. I think it may have tom hanks in it but its a long shot. There is also a possibility it was one of those TV movies. Either way, I would be very happy if anyone could give me the name.
A tanker truck carrying 5.5�103 kg of concentrated sulfuric acid solution tips over and spills its load.?
If the sulfuric acid is 95.0 \% \rm H_2SO_4 by m and has a density of 1.84 {\rm g/mL}, how many kilograms of sodium carbonate must be added to neutralize the acid?
Computer Hacking?
This kid says that hes gonna hack my computer and fry it and mess up my sn. Is this is possible or legal. And what can he get outta it? Is there any way to prevent it or anything that I can do if it helps. Please help.
I am drifting away!!! plz help....?
looks like your in pain and need to find joy in life just chill find me time to do things that make you happy and dont think so much in the things that make you sad things get better as long as you keek going best of luck
Could a girl ride the Men's Stepchild Jibstick properly?
she could ride it for sure! about the only difference between mens and womens boards, is the weight difference between men and women. for example a mens board size 152 is for a guys weight, while a womens board sized 152 would be for a girls lighter weight. make sence? but really what it all come down to, is what ever feels right.... ride it!
For all Marines. How was bootcamp?
I leave for bootcamp August of 2010. I'm thinking of switching to an earlier date because it gets colder when it comes for graduation day, As I heard. (I am a FEMALE already enlisted in the DEP,OORAH!)
I think this girl i like is giving me the cold shoulder!!!?
we first met in october. I sat nxt to her in lunch and she told me i had pretty eyes. i started talking to her on aim and she would tell me i was cute and i had a nice smile. she used to ask me to hangout w/ her alot, but i always had stuff to do. we usually talked on aim almost everyday. she would ask me to sit with her at lunch and when i didnt she would ask y. i still sit with her but everyother day i do. she once called me at 1am to ask if i liked her friend cuz she thought i did and had me talk to her friend. but i told her i didnt. she hasnt been on aim in a while. i asked her if she got a new screen name or something. she said i just hvent been on. but i was looking at a couple ppl pros. and ppl were askin her for her sn. she gve it to them but it was a new one. in school she just acts normal around me but if i walk by her in the hall she'll either say hey or tap my arm with her fist. she also comments my pics w/ cutee<3 or something like tht. does she like me???
Could I be pregnant? ?
I'm only 17 turning 18 in April so I know my hot flashes aren't menopause. I keep going from being constipated to having diarrhea. I had a UTI but even after I got rid of it I still keep peeing lie a freight train. I've also been really emotional lately but it could have been the fact my paw paw was in the hospital (I'm not sure since I also had happy, horny, and pissed real easy) I haven't really had tender but the do seem fuller and once in a while I get slight pains that are sorta like muscle cramps. And like a week ago which would be a week after I had I had cramps like menstrual cramps but I shouldn't start until either the 14th or 18th of this month I don't remember which. Am I pregnant or is something else going on? I plan to take a test this Thursday since it will be 19 days after I had and possible the day after my period is due since I can't remember when I'm suppose to start. Plus 2-3 days before my period is due I get cramps and then they go away once I start. If I'm suppose to start tomorrow then I should be cramping and I'm not.
Girls: do you prefer american guys or english guys?
Im English and I live in England so obv i go for English guys. I just think they are smarter than Americans, Americans just seem stupid, from my experience.
How do i become a player moderator on runescape and do u have to be a certain level or a member??
i just think i'd be a good moderator im always doing good for new players and report bad things that happen and i just like helping in the real world and runescape
I cant log in to my myspace, help?
When im on mobile its says my account is phis locked or somethin and to log in from a pc, and i have tried it but it still doesnt log me in
A good title for MacBeth?
hhey guys im donig a little english project and we have to make a newspaper about shakespeares MacBeth. I have trouble deciding what would be a good newspaper title for MacBeth. Maybe MacBeth Times? or Scotland Times.
Tomorrow ???
oops, i meant to post this question here... Tomorrow I have my last day of training in at the nursing home as a cook istant/dietary aid. Then tuesday I start by myself. I feel like I know how to do everything, but I am very nervous about having to serve to the residents. There is about 20, and I don't know any of their names yet...I'm really nervous, and only have one day left...what should i do? I'm scared:S?
What is the biggest Religion?
Catholic is the largest, about 1.3 billion, the other .7 billion is the other Christian religions combined.
I have a moto/logo that I want to market on tshirts and hats. How do I begin a business? Trademark?
It's an idea sort of like "Life Is Good" or "Just Do It". I need to protect the artwork and phrase. Where to begin?
Who played a better JOKER?? Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger?
Heath Ledger was absolutely amazing and totally convincing so I think he wins. He was his character, it was scary how good he was in that movie.
Citric acid has a tart taste and is found in citrus fruit such as lemons, limes, and oranges. If the formula i?
Wait ... so, are we telling you the answer because you don't know, or because you're quizzing us? Or is this copied from a textbook?
I want to make my mother a blanket or quilt with pictures?
i want to make my mom a blanket or quilt with pictures of my daughter on it. where do i start? how should i do it? can i get picture fabric and have the pics put on it and iron it on ?
Is banana suitable for l ?
Your boyfriend wants to play around? What about you? if you don't want to, don't do it! Not to sound discriminating, but really--it's like a little boy trying to fit blocks into the right holes in a toy. Ridiculous. If you want to do it, use a condom, and choose thin fruits unless you want to be in a lot of pain. Just because stars do these things doesn't mean you have to.
Corporate lingo: What's up with this "el" thing?
At my new job I'm having contact with corporate culture for the first time and I've noticed that when people are referring to someone in another company they say, for example, "El Chris" instead of just Chris. And on certain websites I've seen the senior management referred to as "El Management." How did this get started? Is it widespread? If you're a person who does this, what does it mean? Thanks.
What is a good eating/workout schedule for me?
its fine, but you may want to try to get more fruit and vegetables in and try eating lentils, eggs, nuts, anything to give more protein just in case because vegetarians tend to become anemic due to lack of iron from meat. i understand because i have the same problem.
ok im kind of in the same situation as you except i'm younger and want to loose weight by 2 months as i'm going on holiday. i suggest gaining weight or muscle buy working out not sure about , but check out the flat2fab BLOG gd luck
Did Sarah Palin disrespect the Flag?
There is a carefully posed picture of her in Runners' World standing next to a US Flag which appears to be carelessly dd over a chair. She is also leaning her elbow on the Flag. Do you know if this is improper display or disrespect of the Flag Code?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
A formal/casual but not too casual or formal dress for my choir "freshman farewell"?
My choir is having a freshman/8th grade farewell, long story. We have to dress up, like you would for a junior high valentine's dance. I need a dress and an outfit to go with it. I'm not wearing heels and I need a dress under one hundred dollars that i can go into a store and try on. Pictures/link please? I'm very pale, and the colors that flatter my skin tone are red, blues, etc. I also don't like strapless dresses. I like this dress, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a should i get it, and what should i wear with it? cardigan, flats, etc.?
Do you think I should?
u dont make sense at all! first u say ur gonna follow the Prophets pbuh words and be the strong one, now u say u wanna beat that guy up????
Which is more *violation notice*?
Riding a skateboard wearing nothing but a pink speedo with a fat moustache and a 'Pride flag" and one of those leather biker hats or inline skating?
I know how to figure out sin cos and tangent on my calc but how do I figure out csc, sec, cot?
I'm trying to figure out and rounded to four decimal places for csc 23 degrees. sec of 66 degrees and cot of eighty one degrees. How do I figure them out? and what is the answers? Just so I know how to do them and learn from my mistakes.
As the World Turns??? Is Gwen really pregnant? And what will happen with JJ and that crazy lady???
Yes she is but Will doesn't believe her. That chick Ava is going to kidnap JJ. Her and some dude named Silas have it out for Jack and that's why they kidnap him. I also read something about dynamite being lite and Jack will get hurt and buried under some rubble. Carly is supposed to get ransom money from Lily to get JJ back.
Court order to keep 'the other woman away' from my baby girl?
Anyone know is it possibe to keep my husband's tart away from my baby? I have accepted that my baby needs contact with her father which I do not have a problem with but the thought of her playing happy families with my little girl makes me sick especially as I discovered they were having an affair 6 weeks before I gave birth!! I am in the process of divorce and my little one is only 6 months old....only serious answers please as I need help with this one!
What kind of a country was the Tang Dynasty in the 859 A.D.?
I'm not sure as to whether Tang Dynasty is a theocracy/democracy/dictatorship.. etc. And whichever one it is, if you know it please tell me. And be sure to include why it is that . Thx! :]
Should I get the CORAL Ugg (sandals) or the CREAM ones?? PIX INCLUDED Thank you!!?
You could probably get more use out of the cream ones because cream is a color that can be put with many other colors and what not.
I feel so lame and unmotivated......?
Well I just started writing down everything I want to accomplish each week. I write down about 5 things a day, and make sure to complete them. I realized that I accomplish so much more, and if I don't do that I'll just sit at the computer all day. HAHAH. So today it was such a beautiful day, I planned to tan (I did for like 1 1/2 hours). While doing that I made myself a tropical drink called "flying gorilla" I had that while in Mexico. So YUMMY. And then I wrote scene notes for Macbeth, thats going to help me do well on the test coming up. And now I'm about to cook an awesome dinner for my Dad, It's his birthday :) And Victoria day! I'm also going to workout tonight. So I like to keep busy. Start with making yourself a weekly schedule trust me it's been working for me.
What is the balance of the the bond discount (the unamortized discount) at the end of 2008?
On January 1, 2008, Bosque Company issued $1,000,000 9% bonds for $939,000. The market rate of interest at the time of the bond issue was 10%. Interest is payable annually oh December 31. Bosque uses the effective interest method of amortizing the bond discount. What is the balance of the the bond discount (the unamortized discount) at the end of 2008, after the first interest payment has been made?
Grammar errors or grammatical errors? Which is correct?
Grammatical errors is correct, because, if you wished to say it archaically, you would say "errors of grammar" or "errors in grammar". The first would require grammar to be put in the genitive case, which is Grammatical. The second, as there is no ablative case in English, is correct as is. "Grammar errors" has the word grammar in the nominative case, which, strictly speaking, should can not be used correctly.
Help with setting up a Salus Model RT500 RF programmable room thermostat?
There are 5 different settings to bring the heat on, is programme 1 to put heat on, programme 2 to turn heat off, and so on. if the heat is on ,can you turn the heat off with the control on the boiler . If you do not want to use the thermostat , but just bring the heat on and off as you wish , can you turn of the thermostat and use the controls on the boiler?
It's that time for a christmas list...?
I need to know some stuff i should get for christmas.....dont go over like 500 or 600 dollars. i love golf, tiger woods, steelers football, penguins hockey, paintball, drumming, and the red hot chili peppers. this one is going to take some research so thanks for any answers!
Video Game people please answer!?
I have enough money to buy 1 game as of now for the 360, should I buy Mortal Kombat 9 right now or should I wait till May 17th to buy Brink, I really want both of them equally, What would you do (Please don't say another game I really want one of these 2)
Hamlet essay help? PLEASEE IT'S URGENTTTTTT!!!!!?
Talk of how Hamlet himself's attitude affects others and leads to things as undirect as Polonius's death and Ophelia's suicide.
What high school stereotype would I be considered?
I don't wear designer clothes, i listen to mostly rock music (led zeppelin, blue oyster cult, nirvana, the doors, rhcp, slightly stoopid, the beatles, pink floyd, the who, etc..) i wear whatever clothes i have (got some dc, rockstar, band tees from previous list, shirts from kohls, target, places/stuff like that) i have long hair, wear mostly jeans, wear skate shoes, don't play sports, i bmx, get mostly A's and some B's.. thats about all i can think of now. What would you call me?
When a non-reuring fetal heart pattern is detective, what remedial Nursing Intervention is carried out?
cindy bell, a 20 y/o gravida 2, para 1 at 40 weeks gestation, presents to you in the birthing unit with contractions every 5-7mins. She is accompanied by her husband. Spontaneous rupture of membranes occured 2" prior to admission. Cindy tells you that the field was colorless and clear. You orient Cindy and he family to the birthing room & perform a physical essment, doenting the ff. data: VS are normal. A l exam demonstrate the cervix is 75% effaced, 4cm dilated w/ a vertext at (-1) station in the LOP position. You place on an external fetal monitor. The FHR baseline is 140-147 w/ accelerations to 156bpm no accelerations are noted. Contractions are 5-6mins. apart, moderate intensity and lasting 40-50secs. Cindy states she would like to stay out of bed as long as possible bec. lying down seems to make the contractions more painful, especially in her back.
Need a movie that i need to relate to my physics ignment?
Maybe "The Sandlot" I don't remember the scene perfectly, but there was one where they were trying to to the baseball and they let this little robot roll down this little ramp they had made out of erector sets
Christians and atheist what do you think about this?
as a christian the thought of nuking ourselves is odd at best certainly the world doesn't end thats pretty clear in scripture but limited nukes yeah maybe but the end is a hopefull picture of christs return to power here in jerusalem and resoration of the planet and conquoring of evil deth helll and the curse of god lifted off of mankind and the creation and earth .. soon come lord jesus
Help for auto cad 2004?
To draw polygons, type the POLYGON command and follow the prompts. A good way to draw by giving coordinates is by using polar notation. Select the LINE tool and pick a start point with your mouse. To draw a 133mm X 39 mm rectangle, type @133<0, then type @39<90, then @133<180, then @39<270. The first number after the @ is the distance, the < means angle, and the second number is the angle in degrees. You can make any polygon with this method by changing the angle and the distance. To draw the circle, select the CIRCLE tool, follow the prompts to enter the diameter or radius, and use OSNAP to grab points on the circle.
Are Iraqi troops heroes?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
How to Get this Guy to Notice Me?
Well first of all don't be spazz... Just you know be funny don't be all loud and proud bc then he will think your annoying and obnoxious and not want to be around you Second of all don't show off not like im saying you are just for future preferring and also you should just be who you are naturally and and...if you are who you are and not someone else then... he will like you for who u are... I got to make some changes hope it helped bye bye
Climbing stairs as exercise?
I live in a building that has six flights of stairs, and lately I've been thinking of going up and down them for exercise. However, because of my dietary restrictions (I don't eat meat, dairy or sugar) I've accidental lost more weight in my than I wanted. Will doing that make the problem worse, or will it just tone it up? Would climbing up and down stairs trim me overall?
Can I use this MicroSD Memory Card on my phone?
yes it should be usable but check to make sure your phone is sdHC compatable. if its not it wont work, i would just ask you phone company wether or not it is
For solely a medical perspective, do you feel sorry for smokers?
Do you feel sorry for smokers who get such things as chronic viruses, eg bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, thorat cancer, heart attacks, strokes and so on? I know a smoker who recently got throat cancer, and I really dont feel sorry for him. He knew the effects of smoking, yet didn't quit. Smokers know the effects of smoking, yet contine, and suffer the painful, sometimes even agonising consequences. Please don't get into the tax and so on, this questio is solely from a medical view.
What kind of temperature sensor do I need?
I need a temperature sensor that can detect temperatures from -40/50 to 250/300 F. I plan to fit it between a Peltier Cooling Chip and a heat sync. So I need the probe to be a pretty thin wire/pad. I've searched everywhere, but I don't know the specific name of that temp sensor. Does anyone know what sensor I would need?
NFL Head Coach 09 running back stats problems?
I'm trying to play the Denver Broncos in a career mode in NFL head coach 09 for the Xbox 360. But for some reason my top RBs overall keeps dropping like 20 points. Does anyone know what's happening?
Help me with names? please! 10 points!!?
I really need a theme for my cabin at camp! It needs to start with an "R" because our cabin is Rough House. Past themes include recess rough, royal rough, record rough, and raptor rough. Each person (about 50 of us) need to be able to make a name for ourselves relating to the theme (ex: Princess Peyton etc...) Any suggestions would be VERRYYY appreciated!!! thank you! (10 points for best answer!!)
How did Noah relocate the penguins back to Antarctica?
And the kangaroos to Australia? And the lemurs to Madagascar? And the alligators to North America? And the impala to Africa? And the polar bears to Alaska? And the tigers to India? And the caymans to South America? And tyrannasaurus rex wherever the hell he lived?,all before ships or aircraft were invented, and remembering, Noah was around 600 years old?
What do you think of this complaint letter, to harsh?!?
Good letter its straight to the point, you paid for a service and did not get all of your service, they should give your money back or give you a free mage
Central heating door ventilation ?
We have had central heating installed with 2 zones,bedrooms and main living area. We have the zones as bedrooms being the common and the living area as zone one (we have fireplace in living area we use that's why zones are in reverse) the return in in our hallway roof. We like to close our hallway door at night to keep the cat out of the rooms, but were told we need to put a vent in the door if we want to having the living room zone running so air can reach the return. What I am wondering is how big I should build the vent? I have only come across small ones at the store say 5cm x 50cm. It does seem small, what would be the best approx size?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Will he always hate me?
5 months ago my ex told me he wanted to go our seperate ways. I tried very hard to save us but went about it all wrong. He immediately got involved with a 26 year old. (he is 35) They are already expecting a baby. He always told me he didn't want children. He says he is happy and to leave him alone. Well I have found out that the baby may not be his and so I tried to dig deaper to find out for him. He only resents me more. I give up and do not want to be a problem but I don't want him to hate me either. He told me that I will always have a special place in his heart one week and the next he says he hates me. I was with him for 5 years and we were engaged. I thought it was just a phase he was going through. He got her pregnant after only 10 weeks. I really don't think they will last and neither does anyone else including his friends. Actually his friends hate her. She is a tramp. Regardless of their outcome i don't want to be hated by the man who owns my heart. I am going to leave them alone. I am still very hurt by all of the things that have happened so quickly so take it easy on me please. I just don't want to be hated and wanted to know what other peoples opinions are. Do you think he will alwasys hate me if I just leave them alone. I know we will never be together again and I accept that but I hope he wont always hate me. I know I have made some mistakes but this was one of the most hurtful times in my life. I am 42 years old and have never felt more alone and devastated.
Doctor's unusual behavior has me confused?
This question is a bit complicated. I was going to a doctor for treatment and he got a bit carried away, inappropriate. I thought this can't be happening ( I tend to go into denial). I called the office a week later for a prescription refill and his istant told me to never call again or come back- excuse me I DID NOTHING! Okay, since I needed the medication I went back to the doctor and he spent a lot of time interrogating me and insinuating I stole prescription pads etc.+ no notes or report for the day he acted inappropriately. How does this get turned around since his allegations are so ridiculous and I was going to ignore his unethical behavior. Is this to intimidate me? I've cried about this because I'm sensitive and was hurt twice..first by the bad behavior and then accusations, any thoughts?
Will doing exercise by lifting weight cause wrist injury?
Sounds like you have a TFCC tear. It's pain along the little finger side of your wrist. Weight lifters get it a lot. The only solution is a cast for six to eight weeks or surgery to smooth out the cartilage.
Need statistic for unsolved murders in United States?
:[ I need it for a paper and need to be able to cite a source but so far I have had no luck in finding any sort of statistic! Somebody help? Be sure to please put the site in which you got it at the sources or something. First to answer with one I use will get best answer!
Can i learn to read Latin by memorising lists?
Probably not, though it's a possible approach. Vocab will only get you so far in Latin - it would be far more beneficial to learn the grammar thoroughly and work with a dictionary. It doesn't help that words in Latin have a vast number of different meanings depending on context - you can't just learn a single word as a standard translation and then use it every time it comes up. Even a word as simple as et does not only mean and - depending on position and context, it can mean as well, also, too or even (among others).
Which is best ss or aluminum alloy pneumatic valve in the high temperature application?
It depends on the application and what you mean by high temperature. SS handles high heat better but if it is with the range of temperatures that a aluminum alloy can handle then due to the difficulty in producing a SS valve, it would make sense to go with the aluminum alloy. Need to talk to a metal engineer on this one.
Should Guns be banned?
As many Americans are not mature enough to settle things without the aid of a lawyer or a psychiatrist,then it follows that most Americans are not mature enough to own a firearm.
Are brake dust shields bad for break pads/rotors?
I have an '06 Wrangler Rubicon (Dana 30 solid front axle) and the alloy rims get coated with brake dust in a very short time after cleaning. I don't ride the brakes, even downshift for deceleration, but within a week the front rims are dark gray with dust. Will dust shields cause over heating or any other problems? I don't mind getting the thing muddy but the dust makes my ride look like I don't care.
Who is more important for their team, Hines Ward for Pittsburgh or Larry Fitzgerald for Arizona?
Which player is more important for their team? Whoever can convince me one way or another gets best answer.
Can you tell me again how something like this can happen to U.S. citizens?
Well at least the government is not interning all Muslims like was done to the Japanese in WWII nor has Bush suspended Habeas Corpus for all citizens as did Lincoln during the Civil War. If you have such feelings of affection for the terrorists and believe their defense attorneys over the evidence against them why don't you volunteer to have one put on house arrest in your home?
Since Clinton was a "New Democrat" was it the conservative in him that made him deploy troops 44 times abroad?
In 8 years he deployed the military 44 times overseas from "operation Noble Anvil" to "Joint Guardian" from the Balkans, Somalia, Rwanda, Macedonia, Ecuador, East Timor, Kuwait, Liberia, Albania, Congo, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Sudan and too many more to mention.
Do you like this name?
Sadie and Max (together) sound like dog names. Probaby because they are both common and popular dog names. Pick another name so it doesn't sound so weird.
According to our basic scenario of solar system formation, why do the jovian planets have numerous large moons?
A. As the solar system formed and the planets formed within the accretion disk, the planets had their own planetary systems forming. the debris in these disks coalesced into the moons.
Cheap Quad Rooms in Bangkok?
My friends and I are staying in Bangkok for 4 nights on August. We're looking for a cheap but clean place and maybe with a touch of Thai decor would be great. We have a limited budget of B1200 / night. Any recs? I've been searching the net for quad rooms but most don't have it? or does some hotels agree if 4 of us share a deluxe twin room?
I would like a different theme. Were & how can I get a theme?
ok you need to look for images of say betty boop, save to your pictures on your computer, then go to your 360 page at the top it says edit your theme(or change theme something like that) click on that then up pops a box allowing you to set your theme, at the top you can apply your theme by clicking browse and your pictures come up click on the image you want then click on save , preview if you like it, then click save hey presto up pops your new theme as the background but your image must be a jpeg, ok hope that helps.
Should Sarah Palin be forced to apologize for making jokes about the physical appearance of combat veterans?
What did she say about his appearance? Isn't it amazing how far libs will go to twist the facts into a lie just to ask absurd questions?
Hmm need help from the tww and fertility experts lol?
Just forget all this rubbish and just have when you are both in the mood not when the thermometer dictates. Why do you think there are so many unwanted pregnancies.
Im Jealous of my friend?
you arent a bad person being jealose is normal look be lucky you can shate and do all the things you can i use to skate alot for years as a matter of fact i was able to kick flip heal flip bord slide all that stuff but now im on cruches and i probably never gonna be able to skate again so just practice practice practice and you will be as good as your friend if not better some day
Is brett favre in nfl madden 10?
only if you have xbox live and get the roster update! I bought madden 10 and he wasn't on there but I have live and play madden on live its fun! and yeah there is roster updates every week they increase or decrease stats or like they bring new people on madden like brett favre michael vick michael crabtree they also did the braylon edwards trade so edwards is on the jets now so yea i recommend if you get 10 get xbox live and game on there its super fun! hope this helped
I edited the short story i wrote yesterday, read it please?
I think u should stretch it out, because this a bit intricate for a short story. but it sounds really good. oh, and u can type the real curse words, because it's a story. you are supposed to. if u don't want to type that, use one of the other "better" words for them. u rn't supposed to have **** instead of "shoot" in a story.
PC Building Question?
Yes. It is called a shoe. This just snaps out and then you replace it with the shoe that comes with the mobo. There is nothing to worry about.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I have a felony on my record (possession of marijuana) and was wondering if that would effect me getting a job
with a coorporation. The charge is over 7 years old and I have not been in any trouble since. I also have my ociates degree and a stellar resume. #1 in sales 2 years in a row at a Fortune 100 company with proof. Luckily that company didnt do a background check on me for some reason. I work for a mid level medical supply company now and want to change jobs, but I am wondering if I should even bother. I was turned down by several companys when the charge was 5-6 years old ie. Dell, Pitney Bowes. Please advise. I still have to wait 2 more year before i can apply for a pardon in my state Tennessee.
Question about Terminator Salvation, PLEASE?
because she underestimated john connor and marcus wright's resolve. she umed that as they had lured connor into skynet, which was teaming with the new T800's that he would have no chance to escape. she didn't count on marcus helping him and the resistance mounting a successful counterattack.
Good Raw rating. Do you think theyll be able to keep it up?
Raw is going to struggle to retain adult male viewers with History Channel delivering 6.5-7.5 million viewers for their shows on Monday nights. I don't anticipate Raw being able to hold up this 3.5 rating the next two weeks before the post-Elimination Chamber edition of Raw with the "mystery video" reveal and latest build-up to WrestleMania. The pattern with teen male viewers is very inconsistent. Typically, they'll tune in for something big, like the night after the Rumble, but they won't stick around for the week-to-week unless it catches their attention. There wasn't a major hook on Raw to hold their attention for the next two weeks of Raw.
Iam 10 p and iwant earn money from other contys so help me what should i do?
iam an idian iam in very rural area and iwant earn aot of money so please help . iam in balidih bokaro jharkhand india my pin cod number is-829301 iam 10 p please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee… now in 11th cl but iam a power boy please help me .
Joran Van der Sloot's karma ***** slap?
Does anyone else think that Van der Sloot is getting the same dose of karma that OJ got when he was arrested for armed robbery? lol is anyone else enjoying his multiple warrants as much as I am?
What constructive action can the FA take to weed out referees like Phil Dowd?
Paul Jewell is a fair person, a good professional. It pains me to see 3rd world-type refereeing in the controversial Arsenal-Wigan game (i am not a supporter of either side). Wigan should have gotten some kind of fairness instead of being abused by Phil Dowd. I feel the FA should be more pro-active and not wait for either side to lodge a complaint. Your view please...
What are the good and bad qualities of absolute monarchy?
Good quality would be that things would get done in a quick and efficient manner because there would be no need for campaigning, arguing, or debating anything since all decisions would be made by one person. The bad is obvious, if the absolute monarch was a loon they could destroy the whole nation and make your life hell.
What type of charge does covalent bonds have?
Covalent bonds is just one of those issues that has got key greatness, and that takes expert care regarding
This might not even work, but...?
New York City. Early evening. You are on vacation here from Saskatchewan and it's been a darn good time, don't you know... Anyway, you're walking down the sidewalk whistling the tune to "O Canada" when you get mugged. A dubious ruffian wielding a blackjack has pulled you into an alley and backed you into a corner. When he finds that your Rolex is fake (you bought it on a street corner 5 minutes ago, 3 blocks back) and your wallet is empty (you spent all your cash on the Rolex), he is angered and decides to beat you senseless. You are just off a crowded New York street so, of course, no one helps you. You conclude that your only manner of escape is the old cartoon gag: yell something random to distract him and flee in his confusion. The first blow is coming down any second. What do you yell?
Does this picture look photoshopped to you?
a href=",3&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=234&oei=GytCTdy1F8H88AbfuPHOAQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=45&ty=56&biw=1280&bih=623" rel="nofollow"…/a
How can people not believe in God?
Atheist and whoever else say the only 'proof' we have is the bible. There is PLENTY of proof once you've accepted God into your heart and you are truly sorry for the sinful life you've been living. It's a physical and emotional feeling that you can FEEL and it can literally knock you down! And as for the God didn't write it personally but His men did...and most of what is written in the bible that says things are going to happen HAS REALLY HAPPENED! (ex. revelations.) Are you really so dumb to believe that all of that was coincidence?What more proof do you need? I guess you have to know God to understand! And for people who say they once were Christians but "God didn't answer their prayers" so that showed them there wasn't a God..Hello?! You cant just pray for something and expect to get it...that's selfish! He's not freakin Santa Claus He's GOD! Just because your prayer wasn't answered in your time doesn't mean there isn't a God. Everything happens in HIS time and that's always the perfect timing! I just don't understand how people can insult and curse God's name. That's terrifying.
I am not able to invest even one rupee but iwant to earn money can u help me?
That's simple..find some work to will definitely make more than a rupee these for finding work..just network with others and be willing to break some sweat while doing so..There is no better way to earn money than doing some hard work..good luck.
Your thoughts on Lil Wayne?
He's alright.. I guess... I don't know why women are attracted to him, and also, his rhymes are so elementary/junior high. There's a few metaphors, HUNDREDS of similes... those get really old after a while. Sure, he can put a more creative spin on money, women, weed, etc., but beneath all of that, it's all the same meaning. That's just how I see it, anyway.
Since the day I moved into the property , boiler is not working and landlord not listening.What should I do?
You need to give more information. What state are you in and most important what does your lease say. Are you responsible for making repairs to major systems in the house. Is there a dollar limit on the repairs you have to make?
Synonym for phobia-laden?
I am reading a book for school and doing a paper thing but I need the definition and a synonym for the word phobia-laden?
Is the Carmen Winstead Story true ?? lol?
Trust me, I dont think it's true. You know MySpace, so much of those "You're gonna die if you dont post this!" things. They are totally fake. I have never posted one and here I am, answering your question. The story is made up of gossip and boo-hoos.
Lotto scratch offs southern indiana $3 wild cherry crossword? i purchased one, if you're familiar with this particular scratch off its in the form of a crossword puzzle and you get your own unique 18 letters to fill in blanks on the crossword to form words. there is a leged on the side 3 words=$3....anyways, 7 words formed =$100 according to the legend and using the my letters had 7 full words on my crossword filled, plus one of the words had a "cherry" symbol which according to the rules stated on the back triples your prize. so i believe i my ticket had $300 dollars in winnings, yet i was hastily given ten dollars and not allowed to see my ticket to re read the rules afterwards for her to explain why my tediously examined scratch off was now only worth ten dollars, from which i didnt even get a print out of the cash register exchange. i called the police to tell them, im pretty sure i am going to call the indiana lotto number today about this. but point being: is there any reason why i wouldn't get the $300 the rules seemed to clearly state, and instead $10? im only a casual scratch off player so any insight would be much appreciated thanks.
This is the first rap I've ever written. Can you give me some tips? What I should listen to/Work on?
im liking it. a lot of originality and the flow sounds pretty sick. The last two lines reminds me of some good eminem.
What do you think about this page disproving Kierkegaard's thing about becoming the true self through faith?
I have been reading his stuff and a lot of it makes perfect sense to me at least up until i got to the faith/human absurdity thing. I'm not even going to try to comprehend something that's that out there if it there's a chance its not even valid in the first place. If someone on here reads this paper and agrees with it ill be on your side because i have a hunch its not completely reasonable and might actually have a lot to do with the issue with his wife and his teachings and all of that if you've ever heard of that before. Anyways here it is:
When my wife cries am I supposed to feel bad for her and "comfort" her?
The problem is you are not rewarding her when she does something good. Remember to keep small chocolates around for when she cleans the kitchen or cooks a good meal. Women love chocolate. Chances are rewarding good behavior will balance out the bothersome crying.
Explain the role of okazaki in the synthesis of lagging strand (1mark)?
Okazaki fragments are basically a way that the lagging strand can be pieced together via backstitching
Can anyone explain isotope decay before 1230 pm EST on Thursday February 18 2010?
A nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Some arrangements of protons and neutrons are unstable so the nucleus with fall apart to make a more stable nucleus. For example polonium - 210 is unstable with a half life of about 140 days. It has 84 protons and 126 neutrons. When it decays the nucleus releases an alpha particle which is essential a helium nucleus (2 protons and 2 neutrons and no electrons). Polonium - 210 minus an alpha particle yields a the stable element lead - 206 which has 82 protons and 124 neutrons. Unstable nuclei will decay by alpha, beta or gamma emission until they form stable nuclei. All nuclei heavier than lead - 210 are unstable and will generally decay to form lead. There are many isotopes lighter than lead that are unstable too and just decay to form a more stable nuclei.
I am a really good signer and there is this guy....?
that i like i was thinking about signing him a song then asking him out.i have liked him for almost a year and we are good friends i really like him and i think he really likes me should i ask him out
Why can't an Indian or a Chinese be the Prime Minister of Malaysia while Obama is the President of USA?
When you cry out unite all races but in practice you have all these unclear areas practising racial discrimination and what not. Please be sincere and give equality and fairness to eveyone.
Translate please (Broken French) into good french.?
Des qui pense qu'ils sont pret pour le guerra de guerir le SIDA, Vien et presente ton raison. Nous avons lutte ce problem pour une de longtemps avec sans successe. Mais j'en te prie que ils qui ont le sagesse beaucoup peutent nous aideron avec ce probleme epuvantable! Des qui sont pret a concecrate leur vie a ce situation. Nous ne pouvons pas devient une fratenite sans l'aiderment du peuple bien! Des qui ont le bien-coeur! Ceci est pour vous! soit prompt en vos reponse. Il y a sans temps a fait du blague.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Why do so many Marines pick fights with people for no reason.?
most marines aren't like that..most are very disciplined ande respectful. Those guys are just morons if theyre doing that...yea I hate marines or any service member that disses their brothers/sisters in arms
Scorpio man driving me nuts?
i met this scorpio man at a 4-day work fair two months ago, and was instantly attracted. he would be cordial to me at work, but would send me emails that very evening. he would send me extra information, work stuff just to be in touch. the fair ended, and we started email chatting and now we chat for over an hour daily! he seeks me out, but never asks me any personal questions. I volunteer to tell him about my personal life (I had a terrible break-up recently), but he never asks. He is very eager to tell me about his past relationships, especially his first two break-ups, that he says have made him very hurt and cynical of relationships. we're talking over chat practically ever day, usually in the nights. when i need something, he goes out of his way to help me. He has never flirted with me, but he gives me loads of time on chat everyday. i like this guy. How to get him to ask me out? Is this typical scorpio behavior?
A-Level Students: How did you all do?
BBB - still not good enough to get me into University of Liverpool to study English though. Another three years in Brighton then.....although admittedly there are worse places to be!
No insurance so I don't want to go to hospital for normal symptom.?
This is my second child but I was induced due to low fluid which was cause by a premature rupture of membranes. I wasn't aware of it until I went into the hospital though. I am approximately 8 months pregnant (have not been able to visit a doctor due to not having insurance) and have had a very slight increase in clear fluid leaking which started right after I was in the shower and felt a sudden "gush" of fluids. I wouldn't worry but I think this maybe what happened last time. I have also been having sever cramps lately accompanied by dizzy spells that don't go away when I sit down and a very "frantic" or felling like something is wrong. Would I be right to go to the hospital or is this just a normal thing? I didn't experience this dizzy or frantic feeling at all with my daughter, except the occasional getting up to fast dizzy feeling. Thank you for any help!!!
If you could ask Raven Software one thing they should "ADD" to MW3, rather than get rid of, what would it be?
I hate CoD but onething I would like added would be dedicated servers. And one thing, Raven is not working on MW3, Sledgehammer Games is. Raven was rumored to be working on it, I believe, I may be wrong.
Please help me with physics homework?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Which RB should I start this week?
Should I start Cedric Benson or Pierre Thomas? I'm in an ESPN league. My other two RB's are DeAngelo Williams and Marion Barber.
How did an ethnic African callled " Rudy Hermann Guede" get a traditional pure GERMAN name?
I cannot speak for Mr. Guede's personal history and have no interest in investigating. However, I will point out to you that at one time (prior to WWI) Germany had colonies in Africa, so that is one possible explanation.
Does anyone truly deserve to have their life taken by another person?
No course not..& those guys on here that keep asking about it seem to have a mive problem with women....for me though Paedophiles & child killers should get life in prison or electric chair as they will never change & to be so evil as to a child or murder & torture well they deserve to rot in hell
Friends, can you tell me what it is that makes your BEEF STEW the best?
plenty of onions and garlic. add a few jalapeno peppers for some " kick it up a notch " zest.
What does this dream mean?
i had dream that, there was a little girl and this older man (in his 30's probably) trying to find something, or they were just walking i dont remember but i think they were trying to find something, and they are on the beach but its not your typical beach its more like a beach with big rocks everywhere, and i remember the little girl was standing in the water and the man said: ok we can go we found what we needed, but the little girl just stood there and i could feel something bad was about to happen, and then this crocodile (it was smaller then usual though) jumps out of the water and bites of the arms of the man, and he screams in pain and then the scene changes and i find myself running with a two of my friends in this room and both of my friends jump on the top bunk-bed as i like the door but the lock on the handle doesnt work so i try the lock thats over it but i dont know if its locked or not so to check i try to open the door but it just opens and then i feel this pressure and i try to close it in fear that its the crocodile, but its actually a small white dog and it goes running to my friend who greets it, but that perticular friend doesnt have a dog in real life she's allergic to then anyways, i try the same thing to lock the door and try to open it to check if its locked properly but it just opens again and then i feel the same pressure but this time theres no dog its my dad and hes says something like: its gone now or something like that, and then the scene changes again and where in this community hall kind of, and we look out the window and its pouring rain and i remember my two friends telling me: oh its still raining, gooshh, and then we go play in a park thats inside the community hall (like swings and slides and all) and i remember i think there was the same girl who was standing in the water at the beginning of my dream she was in the park too, and i remember me and my friends we had to run from her and but we didnt want to go outside cause it was raining and then all of a sudden we all needed to go to the bathroom and i was having my period so i really needed to go anyways after we went to the bathroom we went outside (it was still raining) and we were leaving to go somewhere and then, after it sort of went all dark and i could hear ravens croaking and it was really annoying and i remember i really wanted them to shut up but i didnt say anything, and i remember when they were croaking they had their own language and they were saying stuff to each other, but i couldnt understand, also i had these flashes of cleaning papers out of my school stuff cause in my paper holder thing there was a poem of Edgar Allen poe called the raven and i remember having flashes of this when the ravens were talking eventually i woke up. what does this dream mean?
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