Wednesday, August 17, 2011

He never though that the relationship could end as could it happen like in the movie fatal attaction

as a prophet he was guiding her and she was liberated from a very oppresive situation , receiving many miracles form God. she started by greed , lack of faith etc a open her heart to satan , she becames possessed and he started to take distance. she gone , after months she reappeared first hiden , then attacking in an internet anonymous forum (very nasty, where he s to evangelize).saying bad names , contradicting what he write about the Bible etc. worse is that she says she s a christian and he doesn t. as he do that a blasphemer joined her and started to attack God, Jesus and the prophet(very hard ual blasphemes) , thats is during already some months.she shows an incredible hatred and more now because he started to ingnore her and she shows that she is more angry and saying, you are not a born again, i dumped you with your neighbor, you are will, you take meds etc. the family(she s married with children) and the church where she goes know nothing ,

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