Wednesday, August 17, 2011

To african americans siding with racist bigots?

Those african americans who voted against gay marriage need to check their history.They use the bible and join the side of bigots to disapprove gay marriage,they forget that the kkk used thesame bible to approve hate against black people.During the struggle for black civil rights,majority of the population approved of racism and disapproved of interracial marriage.It was the court that had to step in and change the law because the judges probably knew how racist people were those days.I see thesame thing playing out in gay marriage.You take sides with bigots that,if they had the chance,would turn around and discriminate against you.To those african americans who voted against gay marriage,stop taking sides with bigots because sooner or later they will turn their hate on you.And to all those bigots out there,first obey the ten commandments of God before you open your mouth to decide what gay marriage should be.It seems the only chapter in the bible you know of is on ity.

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