Monday, August 8, 2011

Are me and him in love??? <3?

Me and my ex boyfriend tony just broke up like 3 weeks ago. it was in the summer so we couldnt really see eachother that much. wen school started me and him started talkin in the hallwayz and at lunch he would sit by me and my friends and play with me at recess. Today, we were like fake fightin at recess and laughing and stuff and at lunch we alwayz throw something at eachother and he kept on smackin my ?!?! which was kinda slirtin wit me. He hugged me and offered to kiss me. Well i asked and he said sure. So i hope its love again. He likes another girl named Osha but just a like. he said he likes me better. He tried askin me out last night like 2 times but i thought he was just playin so i didnt answer and today at lunch he thought i said no and i told him i thought u were jokin and he said i wasent, then he said im playin hard to get lol. So is this love again between me and tony?

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