Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dream question?

About a week ago, I went to a hypnotist show and got hypnotized there. I don't remember what I did when I was hypnotized, but my friends told me that I did a lot of dancing (Madonna, Beat It by Michael Jackson, My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas, Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-lot) among other things (also he apprantly made me think he was insulting my mom). Anyway, last night I dreamed that I was at the show doing some of the crazy things my friends said I did. Are these real memories? BTW, this isn't the first time I got hypnotized (but it is the first time I didn't have a medical professional do it); I've done it three or four times now. I am also easily hypnotizible. I was also groggy for the rest of that night. Hope I'm not being too hard on my brain by all this hypnotizing (I kinda like being hypnotized and want to do it more).

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