Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How can people not believe in God?

Atheist and whoever else say the only 'proof' we have is the bible. There is PLENTY of proof once you've accepted God into your heart and you are truly sorry for the sinful life you've been living. It's a physical and emotional feeling that you can FEEL and it can literally knock you down! And as for the bible...no God didn't write it personally but His men did...and most of what is written in the bible that says things are going to happen HAS REALLY HAPPENED! (ex. revelations.) Are you really so dumb to believe that all of that was coincidence?What more proof do you need? I guess you have to know God to understand! And for people who say they once were Christians but "God didn't answer their prayers" so that showed them there wasn't a God..Hello?! You cant just pray for something and expect to get it...that's selfish! He's not freakin Santa Claus He's GOD! Just because your prayer wasn't answered in your time doesn't mean there isn't a God. Everything happens in HIS time and that's always the perfect timing! I just don't understand how people can insult and curse God's name. That's terrifying.

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