Thursday, August 11, 2011

I feel so lame and unmotivated......?

Well I just started writing down everything I want to accomplish each week. I write down about 5 things a day, and make sure to complete them. I realized that I accomplish so much more, and if I don't do that I'll just sit at the computer all day. HAHAH. So today it was such a beautiful day, I planned to tan (I did for like 1 1/2 hours). While doing that I made myself a tropical drink called "flying gorilla" I had that while in Mexico. So YUMMY. And then I wrote scene notes for Macbeth, thats going to help me do well on the test coming up. And now I'm about to cook an awesome dinner for my Dad, It's his birthday :) And Victoria day! I'm also going to workout tonight. So I like to keep busy. Start with making yourself a weekly schedule trust me it's been working for me.

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