Friday, August 12, 2011

I think this girl i like is giving me the cold shoulder!!!?

we first met in october. I sat nxt to her in lunch and she told me i had pretty eyes. i started talking to her on aim and she would tell me i was cute and i had a nice smile. she used to ask me to hangout w/ her alot, but i always had stuff to do. we usually talked on aim almost everyday. she would ask me to sit with her at lunch and when i didnt she would ask y. i still sit with her but everyother day i do. she once called me at 1am to ask if i liked her friend cuz she thought i did and had me talk to her friend. but i told her i didnt. she hasnt been on aim in a while. i asked her if she got a new screen name or something. she said i just hvent been on. but i was looking at a couple ppl pros. and ppl were askin her for her sn. she gve it to them but it was a new one. in school she just acts normal around me but if i walk by her in the hall she'll either say hey or tap my arm with her fist. she also comments my pics w/ cutee<3 or something like tht. does she like me???

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