Monday, August 8, 2011

My friend who is a girl asked me out what should I do?

So one of my friends who is a girl kinda asked me out the other day. I didn't really know what to do so I kind of nudged off the subject. So one of my friends "girl friends" said "so you know Jess is pretty cute why don't you go out with her she is such a nice girl." Like Jess is cute I guess but she is like my best friend I'm not sure if there would ever be real sparks though between us. We were like boyfriend and girl friend last year for like a week but I asked her out that time and if it didn't work out then then why would it work out now? I mean I just don't think she is "the one" and I don't won't it to be like a one week thing that comes up short and pointless and just makes us end up not talking for a month. Plz help I'm not sure if I just won't to be friends though how do I know If I should go for it?

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