Monday, August 8, 2011

No insurance so I don't want to go to hospital for normal symptom.?

This is my second child but I was induced due to low fluid which was cause by a premature rupture of membranes. I wasn't aware of it until I went into the hospital though. I am approximately 8 months pregnant (have not been able to visit a doctor due to not having insurance) and have had a very slight increase in clear fluid leaking which started right after I was in the shower and felt a sudden "gush" of fluids. I wouldn't worry but I think this maybe what happened last time. I have also been having sever cramps lately accompanied by dizzy spells that don't go away when I sit down and a very "frantic" or felling like something is wrong. Would I be right to go to the hospital or is this just a normal thing? I didn't experience this dizzy or frantic feeling at all with my daughter, except the occasional getting up to fast dizzy feeling. Thank you for any help!!!

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