Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This might not even work, but...?

New York City. Early evening. You are on vacation here from Saskatchewan and it's been a darn good time, don't you know... Anyway, you're walking down the sidewalk whistling the tune to "O Canada" when you get mugged. A dubious ruffian wielding a blackjack has pulled you into an alley and backed you into a corner. When he finds that your Rolex is fake (you bought it on a street corner 5 minutes ago, 3 blocks back) and your wallet is empty (you spent all your cash on the Rolex), he is angered and decides to beat you senseless. You are just off a crowded New York street so, of course, no one helps you. You conclude that your only manner of escape is the old cartoon gag: yell something random to distract him and flee in his confusion. The first blow is coming down any second. What do you yell?

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