Monday, August 8, 2011

What does this dream mean?

i had dream that, there was a little girl and this older man (in his 30's probably) trying to find something, or they were just walking i dont remember but i think they were trying to find something, and they are on the beach but its not your typical beach its more like a beach with big rocks everywhere, and i remember the little girl was standing in the water and the man said: ok we can go we found what we needed, but the little girl just stood there and i could feel something bad was about to happen, and then this crocodile (it was smaller then usual though) jumps out of the water and bites of the arms of the man, and he screams in pain and then the scene changes and i find myself running with a two of my friends in this room and both of my friends jump on the top bunk-bed as i like the door but the lock on the handle doesnt work so i try the lock thats over it but i dont know if its locked or not so to check i try to open the door but it just opens and then i feel this pressure and i try to close it in fear that its the crocodile, but its actually a small white dog and it goes running to my friend who greets it, but that perticular friend doesnt have a dog in real life she's allergic to then anyways, i try the same thing to lock the door and try to open it to check if its locked properly but it just opens again and then i feel the same pressure but this time theres no dog its my dad and hes says something like: its gone now or something like that, and then the scene changes again and where in this community hall kind of, and we look out the window and its pouring rain and i remember my two friends telling me: oh its still raining, gooshh, and then we go play in a park thats inside the community hall (like swings and slides and all) and i remember i think there was the same girl who was standing in the water at the beginning of my dream she was in the park too, and i remember me and my friends we had to run from her and but we didnt want to go outside cause it was raining and then all of a sudden we all needed to go to the bathroom and i was having my period so i really needed to go anyways after we went to the bathroom we went outside (it was still raining) and we were leaving to go somewhere and then, after it sort of went all dark and i could hear ravens croaking and it was really annoying and i remember i really wanted them to shut up but i didnt say anything, and i remember when they were croaking they had their own language and they were saying stuff to each other, but i couldnt understand, also i had these flashes of cleaning papers out of my school stuff cause in my paper holder thing there was a poem of Edgar Allen poe called the raven and i remember having flashes of this when the ravens were talking eventually i woke up. what does this dream mean?

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